Sunday, May 4, 2008

Precious Little on this Thursday night!

Spent all Sunday hanging our Precious Little drawings. I've got a sore thumb where I banged it with a hammer, but by the end of the day, we'd filled pretty much every space of white wall.

Now all we need to make a real art gallery exhibition are lots of appreciative art lovers. That's where you come in.

Thursday night is shaping up to be a heck of an event . We had the Sun Herald run a piece on Precious Little on Sunday. We have drinks supplied by the Clock Hotel and Hahn Super Dry. And we've had friends of all shapes and sizes helping out to make the gallery look amazing.

Bring your friends, bring some cash, and prepare to be transported to Africa for the night - this Thursday from 6.30pm at Gallery Fourty Four

It's at: 44 Little Oxford St, Darlinghurst. Turn left into the alley off Crown as you pass the Gaslight Inn.

Read all about the colouful history of this project and the journey by scrolling down through the posts.

See you Thursday (or Friday, or Saturday).




Kirsten said...

Good Luck! I wish you guys were going to be in Melbourne! I would love to display a little piece of genuine African art in my home! I've tried to help by posting your link on my blog (although my blog is only a couple weeks old so can't make any promises!) Good luck though! xxx

Unknown said...

Good luck with everything tonight! Wish we could be there, sounds like you've had a quite a journey...the photos look amazing!

Precious Few said...

Thanks Kirsten! The night was a blast. Maybe next time we'll bring it south. Cheers! Nick